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美國總統當選人川普就職典禮將於20日登場,台灣代表團中的嘉義縣長張花冠於當地時間18日前往駐美代表處聽取簡報,隨後拜會國會山莊眾議院外交委員會主席埃德·羅伊斯(Ed Royce)及泰德?克魯斯(Ted Cruz)及麥克·李(Mike Lee)兩位參議員,並與泰德?克魯斯交換對川普經濟及能源政策的意見,同時力邀他來體驗嘉義的好山好水。
另外,當天晚上,張花冠在雙橡園餐會上,則與美國在台協會前主席卜睿哲(Richard Bush)、前駐台北辦事處處長包道格(Douglas H. Paal)、AIT前執行理事卜道維(David Brown)及施藍旗(Barbara Schrage)同桌,隔日則將與基金會智庫學者晤敘。
ADEPT: Meetings will be attended by sub-committees comprised of 75 professionals, including legal experts, Presidential Office spokesperson Chang Wen-lan saidBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterThe Presidential Office’s preparatory committee for judicial reform is to have group discussions once every two weeks starting on Feb. 20, which will culminate with a national affairs conference on judicial reform that is expected to take place in June and be presided over by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), the office said yesterday.The group discussions will be attended by five sub-committees that consist of 75 professionals in total, including 35 judicial and legal experts and 40 non-legal practitioners, Presidential Office spokesperson Chang Wen-lan (張文蘭) said.“The delegates will be nominated by their peers from jurisprudential and legal fields, with 10 delegates from prosecutors, 10 from court judges, 10 from lawyers, and five from law school academics and professors,” Chang told a news conference at the Presidential Office yesterday afternoon.“The process has been under way for the past two months, soliciting and consulting opinions from the public and the judiciary. We have received about 1,000 suggestions for judicial reform, which were compiled and consolidated into a list of 20 major issues that has been published on the Presidential Office’s Web site,” said the preparatory committee’s deputy executive secretary Lin Feng-cheng, a consultative member of the National Security Council who also attended the news conference.The major issues will serve as the basis of discussion for the five sub-committees at the committee’s biweekly discussion meeting, Lin said, adding that although each sub-committee is expected to hold six discussion sessions in the course of three months, more meetings could be arranged depending on the complexity of the issues they cover.The five sub-committees are responsible for five different areas: protection of victims and disadvantaged people in society; establishment of a fair, trustworthy and professional judicial system; establishment of an efficient and accountable judicial system; establishment of a transparent and inclusive judicial system; and safeguarding social security, according to the office.The committee is scheduled to hold its last meeting on Feb. 13 to finalize the list of participants and topics of discussion.Separately yesterday, Minister of Justice Chiu Tai-san (邱太三) said the public has demanded better governance and accountability from the government after it took office in May last year, while civil servants have been facing increasing challenges.“The justice ministry have brought together several top members of our judicial system and hope they would provide suggestions at the pending national affairs conference on pension reform,” Chiu said, adding that the ministry has a responsibility in upholding the rule of law, promoting democratic development and safeguarding human rights.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
通常黃金投資人會從美元找尋線索–當美元走強時,黃金走弱,反之亦然。加拿大皇家銀行指出,如今 黃金可能暗示美元的走勢。 金價邁向六周以來第五周上漲,周四漲到兩個多月高點,因為投資人擔憂美國總統 川普的外交和貿易政策。加拿大皇家銀行稱,黃金和美元的歷史連動性顯示,如果金價繼續突破關鍵水平,美元可能繼續下跌。美元今年1月的表現至少是12年來最差。 川普本周頻頻發難,從媒體報道他與澳大利亞總理 Malcolm Turnbull就難民安置協議通電話不歡而散到指控有些國家操縱匯率,金融市場因此陷入動盪,避險資金追捧黃金。這幫助金價今年以來的漲幅擴大至6%左右,美元兌一籃子貨幣貶值近3%。 「黃金可能成為美元的預警指標,」RBC Dominion Securities首席固定收益技術分析師 George Davis接受電話採訪時說。「現在市場上避險論調占上風,有助於支撐金價。」 據彭博匯整的數據,黃金與美元指數的120天連動系數為-0.63,系數若為-1代表兩者走勢背道而馳。
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